Max Liebau, max.liebau@uk-koeln.de
Conflict of interest
Board Members
Bshara Mansour
Leire Madariaga
Rezan Topaloglu
Martine Besouw
George Costea (Young Fellow)
Liaison Council: Dieter Haffner
Liaison ERA: Elena Levthcenko
Working group reports
- January 2024
- September 2023
- February 2022
- September 2021
- September 2020
- March 2018
- January 2017
- 2016
- September 2015
- July 2015
- September 2014
Working Group Education Activities
WG Meeting
October 15, 2020
Meeting of Inherited Kidney Disorders Working Group
22nd April, 2021
the digital CME course organized by ESPN Working Group on Inherited Kidney Disorders
25th November, 2021
Agenda, Registration
Educational resources
Many of the ERKNet/IPNA webinars include inherited disorder topics:
- Non-cystinotic renal Fanconic syndrome (Francesco Emma)
- Disorders of water (Detlef Bockenhauer)
- Primary hyperoxaluria (Jaap Groothoff)
- Familial hypomagnesaemia (Gema Ariceta)
- Renal involvement in TSC (Rosa Torra)
- Cystic kidney disease and ciliopathies (Max Liebau)
- Persistent glomerular microscopic haematuria/Alport syndrome (Rachel Lennon)
- X-linked hypophosphataemic rickets in children and adults (Dieter Haffner)
- Renal manifestations related COL4A1 mutations (Emmanuelle Plaisier)
- Cystinosis – an update (Elena Levtchenko)
- Monogenic causes of hypertension (Rosa Vargas-Poussou)
- XLH: new recommendations (Dieter Haffner)
- Fabry disease: the new great imposter (Olivier Lidove)
- Genetics – basic concepts and testing (Beata Lipska)
- Molecular genetics on Joubert syndrome (John Sayer)
- Cystinuria (Bertrand Knebelmann)
- Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (Max Liebau)
PDFs and MP4 files from these previous webinars can be accessed here.
For the list of future webinars visit the ERKNet webinar page.
Current working group studies
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (Detlef Bockenhauer, in association with ERA-EDTA and ERKNet). The study has collected data on long term outcome, including renal function, hydronephrosis, intellectual abilities and growth on patients with NDI. Enrolment terminated. Analysis ongoing.
PTH levels in Bartter and Gitelman (Francesco Emma, in association with ERKNet). Cross-sectional study to evaluate the prevalence of hyperparathyroidism in Gitelman syndrome. Enrolment terminated. Analysis ongoing.
European cystinosis registry – 1970-2010 (Francesco Emma). Analysis completed after inclusion of German patients – total number of patient 455.
dRTA registry (Maria Van Dyck, in association with ERKNet). Cross-sectional and prospective study to evaluate the prevalence and characteristics of patients with dRTA in Europe.
Twin patients with cystinosis (Elena Levtchenko). The goal is to collect 25 pairs of siblings with cystinosis to see if earlier diagnosis in the second sibling improves the outcome. Written – final revision before submission.
Proposed research studies
Working group guidelines
Clinical practice recommendations for the diagnosis and management of X-linked hypophosphataemia.
Cystinuria guidelines (Elena Levtchenko and Aude Servais). Submitted
Bartter guidelines (Martin Konrad). Written – final revision before submission