Corporate Partnership Opportunities

To support scientific activities throughout Europe, ESPN offers various research grants to 50,000 Euro per year. Every year the call for applications is sent out in the spring; these are evaluated by an independent committee and results are announced at the yearly ESPN congress. Once completed, results of projects that have been funded by the ESPN will be presented at ESPN meetings and all research outputs (posters, oral communications, publications) will acknowledge the ESPN support. TO CONTINUE THIS PROGRAM, SUPPORT FROM INDUSTRY IS OF PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE.

See the list of previous award winners here.

The ESPN offers three tiers of partnership:


ESPN Platinum Partner will be provided with both the following benefits:

Engagement to ESPN’s activities and channels

  • information on the company will be posted on the ESPN website
  • a banner will be shown on the ESPN website under “Platinum Partners”section
  • information on studies and products will be sent to the ESPN mailing list twice/year (~2,000 email addresses), after review and approval by ESPN officers
  • a banner and information on the company will be inserted on the ESPN newsletter (3 newsletters/year)
  • Exclusive Opportunity to define tailor-made initiatives to promote procedure and products with the scientific support and patronage of ESPN Committee (logistic and organizational costs to be added)

Engagement to ESPN Annual Meeting

  • Reduced rate 15% on the «Congress Platinum Sponsor package”


ESPN Gold Partner will be provided with both the following benefits:

Engagement to ESPN’s activities and channels

  • information on the company will be posted on the ESPN website
  • a banner will be shown on the ESPN website under “Gold Partners”section
  • information on studies and products will be sent to the ESPN mailing list twice/year (~2,000 email addresses), after review and approval by ESPN officers
  • a banner and information on the company will be inserted on the ESPN newsletter (3 newsletters/year)
  • Exclusive Opportunity to define tailor-made initiatives to promote procedure and products with the scientific support and patronage of ESPN Committee (logistic and organizational costs to be added)

Engagement to ESPN Annual Meeting

  • Reduced rate 10% on the «Congress Gold Sponsor package”


ESPN Silver Partner will be provided with both the following benefits:

Engagement to ESPN’s activities and channels

  • information on the company will be posted on the ESPN website
  • a banner will be shown on the ESPN website under “Silver Partners”section
  • Exclusive Opportunity to define tailor-made initiatives to promote procedure and products with the scientific support and patronage of ESPN Committee (logistic and organizational costs to be added)

Engagement to ESPN Annual Meeting

  • Reduced rate 5% on the «Congress Silver Sponsor package”

Other opportunities for sponsorship

Other opportunities for industry sponsorship include:

  • Unrestricted grants for other areas of work, such as training or registry.
  • Conference travel grants for nurses/other allied health professionals.

More information

Contact ESPN Secretariat or treasurer for more information.