In 2020 ESPN launched the ‘’Fellow of ESPN’’ accreditation which stands as a quality measurement (way of recognition) of our established colleagues in Paediatric Nephrology.
In order to get the FESPN accreditation, candidates need to apply online after confirmation that they fulfil the necessary criteria. Applications are welcome anytime during the year until the dedicated deadline and the program runs every 3 years.
Regarding the eligibility criteria, applicants must meet at least four (out of six) criteria and be an ESPN-member for at least 5 years continuously (including the year of application). All applicants are evaluated by 3 independent internal reviewers and results are announced within our website.
Call for 2024
We are delighted to announce a new call for the ‘Fellow of ESPN’ award (FESPN). This award recognizes established pediatric nephrologists who contribute to the development of pediatric nephrology in their region and at the ESPN level.
Holders of FESPN title receive a waiver for the ESPN Board examination as their training and list of activities prove their qualifications in Pediatric Nephrology.
The eligibility criteria are listed at the ESPN website
Interested candidates can submit their documents to secretaryespn@oic.it by May 1, 2024.
The awardees will be announced during ESPN General Assembly at the Annual ESPN meeting in Valencia (23-27 September 2024).
On behalf of ESPN Council and ESPN Educational Committee,
Dieter Haffner, Elena Levtchenko, Ana Teixeira