The European Society for Pediatric Nephrology (ESPN) and The Pediatric Nephrology Research Consortium (PNRC) have created a joint research program to provide funding and opportunity for researchers from each organization to conduct research on shared projects.
The decision to create a joint research program is born out of a desire to promote greater partnership and collegiality between our colleagues in Europe and North America. Hopefully, this will in enhance our collective ability to improve the care of children with kidney disease through collaboration and research.
This ESPN-PNRC collaborative effort will create the ESPN-PNRC Joint Research Program to fund research that is jointly conducted within both the ESPN and the PNRC. Each project must be co-led by researchers from each organization.
Proposed projects may be clinical or translational research in design. The total grant award will vary as funds and needs dictate. Each award will comprise funds to support eligible research activities and can include funds for travel to further collaboration and/or enable a presentation at international professional meetings and other supplies/resources needed to accomplish the research project.
In keeping with the nature of the joint research program, governance will be equally shared across the ESPN-PNRC Joint Research Program Steering Committee. The committee will be co-chaired by a member from each organization with one Co-Chair selected by the ESPN Board from the ESPN membership and one Co-Chair selected by the PNRC Board of Directors from PNRC membership.
The joint research program steering committee will consist of the two Co-Chairs and two members selected from ESPN membership approved by the ESPN Board and two members from the PNRC membership approved by the PNRC Board of Directors.
The Co-Chairs will report regularly to their respective boards regarding activity within the joint research program.
ESPN-RNRC Joint Program Steering Committee Responsibilities
The committee will accept, review and score applications based on specifications stipulated in Program RFAs. Typical grant duration will be 1-2 years.