Taskforce Coordinators:
Jochen Ehrich: Ehrich.Jochen@mh-hannover.de
Elena Levthcenko: elena.levtchenko@uzleuven.be
Evgenia Preka : evgenia.preka@gmail.com
The European Society for Paediatric Nephrology (ESPN) was founded in 1967 and this represented a true milestone for paediatric nephrology in Europe. Presently about 2,000 doctors are estimated to be involved at different levels in the care of children with kidney disease throughout Europe, working in collaboration through personal contacts and special-interest groups. This work is facilitated by the annual ESPN Congress, which has more than 500 attendees, and through the recently-expanded ESPN network.
One third of all European paediatric nephrologists work in one of 200 specialised centres in tertiary care hospitals, while about two thirds work in secondary paediatric care and have developed a particular interest and skill in the most common renal diseases. Paediatric nephrology has experts in each European country.
ESPN proud to announce the access to “The European Society for Paediatric Nephrology study of pediatric renal care in Europe: comparative analysis 1998–2017” published in Pediatric Nephrology.